Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord accountant.
Expliciet wordt in de toelichting voorts aangegeven dat de accountant in deze het ondernemingsbestuur dient te bevragen vanuit 'het perspectief van de gebruiker van de jaarrekening'. Een belangrijke toevoeging, omdat in de praktijk regelmatig het ...
Datum: 29-04-2015 20:31 | Bron: Financieele Dagblad (Registratie)You now have a little more time to file your taxes, all thanks to a Vancouver Island accountant. The Canada Revenue Agency gave the wrong income tax deadline in a notification sent out to some taxpayers on Friday, saying the deadline had been extended ...
Datum: 29-04-2015 05:54 | Bron: CBC.caThe tax deadline day for Canadians is now extended to May 5 and that might give people extra time to review personal tax forms which are getting a lot more complicated. Frank Garrett is a chartered professional accountant in Regina and he says personal ...
Datum: 28-04-2015 21:38 | Bron: News Talk 980 CJMERUNNING: A butcher and an accountant make an unlikely running combination. But Craig Stewart and Glenn Stephens have joined forces for this Sunday's Hamilton Island Hilly Half Marathon. Stewart is the manager of Mount Pleasant Meat Specialists and ...
Datum: 28-04-2015 21:00 | Bron: Mackay Daily MercuryEen accountant-administratieconsulent voert van 1995 tot 2013 accountancywerkzaamheden uit voor een filmproducent in de scheepsbranche. De accountant adviseert de producent in 2011 zijn eenmanszaak om te zetten naar een holding met daaronder ...
Datum: 28-04-2015 11:57 | Bron: Accountant.nlU heeft RDR Accountants nodig', staat boven één van de 'nieuws'-berichten van genoemd accountantskantoor. Het leverde al enkele klanten op met een beginnende praktijk. Maar ook telefoontjes van mentoren die maar vier cliënten hebben en overwegen ...
Datum: 28-04-2015 11:26 | Bron: Accountant.nlEva Mozes Kor, who had been one of 50 Auschwitz survivors bringing charges against Oskar Groening, a concentration camp guard who has been described as the “accountant of Auschwitz,” said on German television Sunday night that the government ...
Datum: 28-04-2015 01:27 | Bron: Jewish Daily ForwardA Holocaust survivor has explained why she shook the hand of a former Nazi Auschwitz worker currently on trial in Germany for his role in the murder of 300,000 prisoners. Eva Kor, 81, travelled from her home in the U.S to Germany for the trial of Oskar ...
Datum: 27-04-2015 13:21 | Bron: The IndependentADVANCE FOR SUNDAY ARPIL 26 AND THEREAFTER In this April 14, 2015 photo, Certified Public Accountant Andy Warwick poses in his office in Fairbanks, Alaska. Warwick was named the University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Management's 2015 ...
Datum: 26-04-2015 12:08 | Bron: Washington TimesTHE same senior accountant who was in charge of distributing the controversial €4.96m paid to former shareholders of Siteserv in 2012 is being appointed to review the sale of the company, and other IBRC deals, the Irish Independent has confirmed.
Datum: 26-04-2015 01:08 | Bron: Irish IndependentAs an accountant for Premier Beauty Supply for six years, all she did was work on spreadsheets all day, related Lorena “Nena” Mondonedo-Perez, founder and CEO of US-based Nena Cosmetics, and that did not really make her happy. “I was bored to death, ...
Datum: 25-04-2015 20:48 | Bron: Inquirer.netA former Nazi SS sergeant recalled hungering for bacon as trains from Hungary approached the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp where he was stationed, among other grim details, during a trial that could see him charged with 300,000 counts of ...
Datum: 24-04-2015 18:42 | Bron: AlgemeinerBERLIN - A former Auschwitz guard being tried on 300,000 counts of accessory to murder has testified that it was clear to him Jews were not expected to leave the camp in Nazi-occupied Poland alive. “I couldn't imagine that” happening, former SS Sgt ...
Datum: 23-04-2015 12:35 | Bron: CTV NewsLUENEBURG, Germany -- A former SS sergeant described in chilling detail Wednesday how cattle cars full of Jews were brought to the Auschwitz death camp, the people stripped of their belongings and then most led directly into gas chambers.
Datum: 22-04-2015 16:31 | Bron: CTV NewsAlso coming under fire from eagle-eyed accountants are needlessly elaborate production facility blueprints, redundancies and over-designed equipment that were allowed to flourish in a $100-a-barrel world, said Mario Azar, chief of Siemens AG's oil, gas ...
Datum: 22-04-2015 14:31 | Bron: BloombergEINDHOVEN - Alleen de obligatiehouders die voor het faillissement van DAF in 1993 stukken in bezit hadden, zouden volgens accountant Ernst & Young (EY) recht hebben op schadevergoeding.
Datum: 22-04-2015 06:10 | Bron: Eindhovens DagbladA former Auschwitz guard acknowledged Tuesday that he bears a share of the moral guilt for atrocities at the camp, but told judges at the opening of his trial that it is up to them to decide whether he deserves to be convicted as an accessory to murder.
Datum: 21-04-2015 21:28 | Bron: Al Jazeera AmericaA 93-year-old former bookkeeper at Auschwitz has told a German court that he felt morally guilty for his work at the Nazi death camp. Oskar Groening is accused of being an accessory to the murder of 300,000 people, although he did not personally kill ...
Datum: 21-04-2015 20:14 | Bron: euronewsNow 44, Menendez speaks earnestly and insistently, with the carefully chosen words one would expect from an accountant. His cheeks carry a tinge of pink and, at the slightest smile, his eyes are consumed by crow's feet. He hid a bulky frame with a ...
Datum: 21-04-2015 18:49 | Bron: TheNewsTribune.comDe Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) heeft de regels voor nevenactiviteiten en financiële privébelangen van de eigen raad van toezicht aangescherpt. Dit hebben de AFM en het ministerie van Financiën dinsdag bekendgemaakt. De AFM en de raad van ...
Datum: 21-04-2015 16:27 | Bron: Accountant.nlA former SS guard expressed remorse for the role he played in the Holocaust when he went on trial charged with complicity in the murder of 300,000 Jews. In a lengthy speech, Oskar Gröning, 93, referred to as the “accountant of Auschwitz”, recounted the ...
Datum: 21-04-2015 14:24 | Bron: The GuardianEen aanzienlijk deel van de accountants ziet geen noodzaak tot verandering. Dit terwijl de sector er in het algemeen van overtuigd is dat accountants moeten veranderen willen ze blijven bestaan. Dat blijkt uit de accountantsscan van softwarebedrijf ...
Datum: 20-04-2015 16:12 | Bron: Accountant.nlDe Accountantskamer beoordeelt zelfstandig of een accountant zich aan de gedrags- en beroepsregels heeft gehouden en vaart daarbij niet blind op het oordeel dat de civiele rechter velt over het werk van de accountant. Een klager moet dus meer doen dan ...
Datum: 20-04-2015 14:06 | Bron: Accountant.nlProsecutors allege among other things that he was charged with helping collect and tally money that was found, which has earned him the moniker "the accountant of Auschwitz" from the German media. "He helped the Nazi regime benefit economically," the ...
Datum: 20-04-2015 13:20 | Bron: Business InsiderEen bestuursvoorzitter, die al eerder op de vingers is getikt door de tuchtrechter, krijgt een waarschuwing, omdat hij zich als werkgever onvoldoende heeft ingespannen om te zorgen dat het salaris van een zieke senior assistent-accountant werd doorbetaald.
Datum: 17-04-2015 20:15 | Bron: Accountant.nl